YRL: What is YRL all about?

People use ads to promote something online, but could there be something better?

Prateek Majumder
3 min readJul 13, 2021

Businesses run a lot of ads to promote their product, service or any other offerings they have. But the problem is that people HATE ads. Many people use AD block tools and software to block online ads.

Companies like Google and Facebook derive large parts of their revenue from ADs. Internet advertising revenue has increased many folds. But, the increase of online ADs has lead to visual pollution on websites and increased online clutter. News and Blog websites have the most ads. The websites take longer to load and consume a lot more mobile data. So, advertising on the internet has led to a decrease in speed and efficiency for users. Quality of User Experience has also degraded.

But, what if we had something which can be an alternative to ads? A way to generate organic traffic and gain leads?

A great answer would be: YRL

On YRL, businesses pay individual creators to market their products on every online platform. YRL makes the promotion of a business, product or service very easy.

Running ADs are tough, many times it can be quite complex and people are not able to properly run ADs. But creating a campaign on YRL is very easy and simple.

How Businesses can use YRL to promote themselves?

After logging into YRL, Create your YRL Campaign. Creation is a lot simpler, compared to ADs. One can promote their startup, website, video, landing page or anything else they care about.

Individual creators can find out about the campaign on YRL. Creators will claim their personal YRL links to the campaigns they like and want to promote.

Creators and bloggers market your YRL through their blog, content, videos etc. Every click on YRL links redirects to your site, and the Creators are paid from your campaign budget.

How this model can be beneficial?

ADs randomly promote your product. But in the case of YRL, the traffic and leads generated will be organic and more relevant. And, there is no limitation on what you want to promote. Basically, anything that has a URL can be promoted via YRL.

To find out more about how you can promote on YRL, check this:

YRL gives a way to promote something or a product in an entirely different way. Instead of spammy ADs, businesses can have a large number of people working for them as a marketing team. In this way, the promotion becomes a lot more personalized and people are more likely to convert from the promotion.

And a very good thing about YRL is that we don’t need to provide any posters or media to promote our content. Your landing page (URL) must have rich metadata and creators will promote your product/page the way they like.

Measuring performance is also very easy and simple. Just like Google Analytics, YRL also provides real-time performance metrics of the campaign. The metrics include the number of clicks with time, from referrers, geographies and devices.

Check out YRL now!

Thank You.

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